Saturday, June 23, 2018

7 Natural Remedies to Quickly get rid of Dark Circles

Most times, dark circles appear after a sleepless night or after a tiring day at work, but disappear after a few hours of rest. Unfortunately, there are people who deal daily with the problem and they turn to creams which only have the effect of covering them up. But there are plenty of natural ways to reduce dark circles or to make them disappear Here are secret list:
  1. Lettuce
People can have dark circles due to inadequate diet, which causes lack of nutrients in the body. Add lettuce often in your menu and see how the nasty dark circles on your face disappear like magic. Raw salad contains lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, but also a huge amount of vitamin C, an important nutrient for the skin.
  1. Bananas
As you know, restlessness causes dark circles. And you might not sleep because you’re just too tired after many hours of work. So eat bananas! They are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium, which guarantees you a restful sleep. Bananas also contain vitamin C, which will make your skin glow.
  1. Celery
Celery, rich in sodium and potassium, will help reduce unsightly bags under the eyes that appear sometimes. In addition, celery contains a number of compounds that decrease the concentration of stress hormones, being a vasodilator. Thus, dark circles around the eyes will disappear quickly.
  1. Cucumber
One of the most widely used natural method to get rid of dark circles is applying two slices of cucumber on the eyes. Keep them there for 10 minutes and repeat the process 2 times a week.
  1. Potatoes
Another helpful method, as cheap as cucumber, is potatoes. They are rich in starch, and it acts as an anti-inflammatory, calming irritated eyes. Clean a potato, peel it, wash it and then cut it into rings. Apply them on the eyes before bed for 15 minutes.
  1. Apple
If the idea of staying with some disks of raw potatoes on your eyes doesn’t seem appealing to you, maybe you’re more comfortable using apple slices. The apple contains tannic acid, which brightens the skin. It also contains vitamin B, vitamin C and potassium, which nourish the skin and give it a healthy look.
  1. Almond oil
You can successfully use almond oil instead of eye cream. It contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that removes dark spots under the eyes.


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