Saturday, June 23, 2018

10 tips for growing hair faster

Yes, Yes! There are ways to have beautiful, long hair. Apply a natural oil, opt for supplements, rinse the hair with cold water, change of towel and pillow. Here you can find 10 tips that will help you grow your hair faster.
1.Remember that they can not grow faster than the music.
You should understand that making your hair grow faster takes times. I know it sound ironic, but until you have a healthy scalp, hair and body, it won’t grow any faster.
“The hair usually grow to 0.6 cm to 1.3 cm per month,” said Mark Townsend, American hairdresser. “And it grows well only if it’s healthy and without split ends.”
Conclusion: it takes patience …
2.Ironically, the scissors is your friend.
It is not by cutting your hair often you’ll make it grow faster, certainly, but it will help you avoid damaged hair. So you have to cut frequently.
“If your hair tends to pitchfork, they will eventually break more than if you had cut them,” says Townsend. He advises that you ask your stylist to cut just 3 mm every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent the forks before they are created.
3.Use a conditioner every time you wash your hair.
“If your hair is wet, you need a conditioner. Over time, the stains and heat from the hair dryer, curling iron or straightener, spikes begin to fray, “said Mark Townsend.
A conditioner provides lipids and proteins in the body of the hair. “It sets the hair to prevent breakage in order to keep a healthy long hair”
4.Do not wash hair systematically with each shower
“I am shocked to see how many women skip the conditioner when they take showers. This is the worst thing you can do on your hair, especially if you want to make them longer. This is actually the shampoo you should jump as much as possible. ” 
5.Consider dietary supplements to boost hair
Your body needs plenty of essential nutrients, protein and minerals to regenerate your hair. So, take a look at your diet. Because even eating balanced, you can not reach the optimal amount of nutrients to fortify your hair, so that they are long and ultra-resistant.
“I take tablets and vitamin supplements every day. I tell my clients to do the same, especially if they want to grow their hair and make them healthier, “explains Townsend.
Before you begin taking dietary supplements, it is advisable to see your doctor to ensure regulatory quantities and that these tablets do not interfere with other medications you are taking in parallel.
6.Brush your hair gently
Frequent brushing can make your hair brittle. “When you untangle your hair still wet, start by styling tips before getting on the lengths. We’ll instinctively scalp down, but this gesture makes the nodes and can make you lose a lot of hair. ” Mark Townsend suggested adopting a hairbrush boar bristles, which releases natural oils on your scalp and makes your hair shiny and very soft.
7.Never wrap your hair in a towel
What is so serious to put her hair in an ultra-soft towel? “It causes so many breaks. Your hair is trapped in the fibers of the fabric. Most women always shake them too towel on their head. All these little fragile hair near your face will be more likely to break. ” Opt for very thin and soft microfiber towels for your hair. You can then put the hair without damaging the turban.
8.Continue to do ponytails
This is an easy hairstyle that can help you keep all the hair fibers. These will continue to grow without being damaged.
9.Rinse your hair with cold water out of the shower
“It does not really help to make hair grow faster, but it will help them stay healthy longer. Cold water sets the outer layer of hair more smoothly. It helps prevent dry hair, hooked and damage that cause heat. Just pass them under cold water a few seconds. This step can make a big difference over time. ”
10.Apply a weekly mask
Because medium length hair is several years old, it needs more than just shampoo. Mark Townsend suggests using masks and moisturizing oils every week. “I have a natural oil treatment and I give it to my clients to apply the conditioner.” Its an easy recipe to make at home: 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil, mixed with a tablespoon of almond, a macadamia and jojoba. The oils may leave a residue on the hair. Must be applied to damp hair and left for 10 minutes. Then take a normal shampoo and conditioner. “These oils are rich in fatty acids. Once rinsed and using them as frequent use shampoo, they will seal the hair from the inside, “said the barber, including Kate Bosworth, Diane Kruger and Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen are fans.
You’re not too DIY? Try a nourishing oil based treatment you can buy, instead.


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